Bishop Koroma – Friend, mentor and patron of One World Link

Fr Patrick Koroma, Bishop of Kenema and one of the original supporters of One World Link, died in November 2018. From his earliest meeting with Jane Knight in 1985 he appreciated the value of linking. He helped us to think through the issues arising from trying to cross cultures and understand each other, with amazing wisdom and lots of laughter.
Since then he has been an excellent host and friend to many visitors from the UK.

Bishop Koroma – Friend, mentor and patron of One World Link

Fr Fabian, Fr Patrick Koroma and Jane Knight, 1985

Fr Patrick Koroma, Bishop of Kenema and one of the original supporters of One World Link, died in November 2018.

Jane Knight met Fr Patrick in 1982, during her second visit to Bo, in the very early stages of setting up the friendship link. He had been ordained for just 4 years. Straightaway, he seemed to appreciate the potential value of the linking idea, and from then onwards, he helped us to think through the issues arising from trying to cross cultures and understand each other, with amazing wisdom and lots of laughter.

He became a parish priest in Bo and was later appointed as the first African Bishop of Kenema where he was tasked with rebuilding the diocese which had suffered some of the worst pounding from the civil war. Later he was confronted with the terrifying outbreak of Ebola. He worked fearlessly with some of our contacts and the local hospital and agencies. He cared for victims even when they died, making sure that everyone had a name attached to their grave, so that they could be found by their relatives and not become anonymous.

Bishop Koroma and local councillors with visiting experts Clive Harridge, Richard Hall, Glenn Fleet and Phil Triggs

Since the beginning of the link he has been an excellent host and friend to many visitors from the UK. In this photograph you see him with members of the One World Link team who worked with Bo City Council in planning for the development of local government services.

After ten years of illness he died in 2018. One World Link has benefitted from his friendship and wisdom and will miss him.

Read Jane Knight’s personal recollections of their long friendship

First and last visits to Bo

Five visitors from One World Link went to Bo – 2 midwives, a health visitor, an OWL founder member, and a 13 year old. Jane Knight was the first visitor to Bo in 1981, when she invited the people of Bo District to form a friendship link. Helena is a local midwife who has trained many midwives and birth attendants in Sierra Leone.
The aim of this visit was to investigate possibilities of forming a Health link, starting with a base already consisting of friends at Yemoh Town Community Health Centre and Bo Children’s Hospital.
During the visit they discussed health and education with President Maada Bio of Sierra Leone.

First and last visits to Bo

A founder’s farewell and the foundations for a health link

Five visitors from One World Link went to Bo in Sierra Leone.

They were 2 midwives, a health visitor, an OWL founder member, and a young 13 year old – son of the leader, Helena White.

Jane Knight was the first visitor to Bo in 1981, when she invited the people of Bo District to join hands with Warwick District to form a friendship link. Helena is a local midwife who has trained many midwives and birth attendants in various Sierra Leonean clinics and hospitals.

Since 1981, strong school and local government links have been formed with some church, youth, library and individual links coming and going.

Staff of Yemoh Town Health Centre with OWL midwives


Baby in Bo Children’s Hospital


The visitors meet President Maada Bio


The visit established  that skills relating to mother and baby survival, and child health care and development, were possible areas where training with partners from Warwick District would be welcome. Anyone interested in joining the team in Warwick District should contact Helena White ( Read her report

Meanwhile, young Will White went out and about making football links, from which he may be able to build up the interest of his peers.

Jane Knight, on this, her last visit, was able to see the enormous progress made in all aspects of the 37 years of OWL’s existence. For example 10 years ago, she was involved in the initiation of a waste management programme for Bo, supported by Warwickshire County Council. This small initiative has now grown into a huge programme funded by the British government (DFID) to bring effective waste reduction and management to all the major cities in Sierra Leone including the capital city Freetown. How small acorns can grow!

The highlight of the visit was a meeting with President Maada Bio who was elected last March, and he is already making significant changes to this beautiful country. He has introduced free education for all and has made commitments to improve roads which have been left to the ravages of rainy seasons for years.

When asked whether health would be a priority for him, he responded that education could not be properly implemented without good health for all. He grew up in a village, lost his father when aged 4, had an illiterate mother, but has now several degrees and is an ex Brigadier. Hence his commitment to education as a priority. The President visited Leamington in 2016 and it was a great thrill to see him now in post – such a great triumph for democracy in Sierra Leone.

This first health group visit was very fruitful and Helena and her colleagues, Sarah Galloon, and Katrina Moss, will be happy to recruit other health specialists to join them to contribute with skills and resources.

Jane Knight sadly said goodbye to long standing friends in Bo and hopes that OWL will continue for another 37 years.

OWL will be hosting and sending out planners, more health experts and teachers next year.

Anyone who wishes to become a member or get involved should contact OWL secretary, Alan Moss, at

November 9th, 2018


January – AGM for 2017
February – Three teachers visit Bo
May – Glenn Fleet and Derek Greedy provide training and advice on waste management in Bo, Kenema and Makeni
June – Day of the African Child in both Leamington and Bo
November – Jane Knight and Helena White visit Bo for the health link and meet President Bio

2018 Archive

January – AGM for 2017
February – Three teachers visit Bo
May – Glenn Fleet and Derek Greedy provide training and advice on waste management in Bo, Kenema and Makeni
June – Day of the African Child in both Leamington and Bo
November – Jane Knight and Helena White visit Bo to scope the health link and meet President Julius Maada Bio

The Waste Management Project Extends to Three Cities

Glenn Fleet and Derek Greedy have been visiting Bo regularly over the past ten years, advising the council on waste management.
In May 2018 they visited again to provide advice and training in three cities: Bo, Kenema and Makene

Glenn Fleet and Derek Greedy have been visiting Bo regularly over the past ten years, advising the council on waste management. Following the civil war the disposal system had stopped completely and rubbish was becoming a major problem and health hazard. From early beginnings where One World Link facilitated funding by UNDP and later the British aid programme, the project has now extended to two further cities, Makene and Kenema, working with a German NGO.

Their visit in May 2018 was a technical mission was to provide training and capacity building to field technicians and managers of the three cities everything from waste collection to disposal and the management of controlled waste sites and they provided manuals for site management. A major component was training in organic waste shredding and composting, enabling green waste to be recycled back to the land.

Rubbish collection

The shredder

Loading the shredder with green waste

Removing contaminants from green waste

Day of the African Child 2018

Day of the African Child 2018

Five hundred children, from 15 schools in Leamington and Warwick, met for a day of celebration and learning, the “Day of the African Child” on 15th June. They gathered in a large marquee and listened to a poem “I am an African Child” and heard about the day in 1976 when school children were killed during protests in South Africa

Each of of the participating schools has a partner school in Bo (Sierra Leone) thourhg One World Link (OWL) which has been promoting friendship & mutual learning between Bo District and Warwick District for 37 years. The school links are maintained through activities such as annual teacher exchanges, children sharing work & projects, pen friendships, school clubs, teacher & children’s friendships & teacher training delivered in Sierra Leone.

The Day of the African Child celebration saw children enjoying a series of contrasting workshops. In two rooms there was quiet as they listened to West African stories told by Sierra Leonean guests. They made plenty of noise in the drumming workshops as they learnt to play rhythms on djembes.

In two other classrooms there was drama as they acted out a cliff-hanger story about a boy stuck in a tree surrounded by crocodiles, a snake and a lion; how could he escape? Nearby there was vigorous dancing and in a marquee there was equally enthusiastic singing. On the field children were enjoying football (the favourite sport in Sierra Leone) and an obstacle race.

There were formal proceedings too. Pupils from each school presented ‘Send My Friend’ children’s rights posters to our MP, Matt Western, calling for schools to be made safe havens for children all over the world. Finally all 500 children joined in the songs they had learnt earlier in the day – what a loud and happy sound to round off the day!

Liz Garrett (OWL Schools’ Co-ordinator) said, “It is unique & incredibly special to have so many Leamington & Warwick primary schools linked with schools in Sierra Leone. Strong bonds & friendships have grown between school communities & it is a joy to see children & teachers from the UK & Africa learn from each other & work together mutually.”

Matt Bown, Headteacher of the host school, St Pauls, commented: “St. Pauls children and staff had a very memorable day. It was a delight to invite so many children, staff and parents from local schools to join us in this celebration. We were blessed with lovely weather and lovely people, the perfect combination to focus our thoughts on the ‘Day of the African Child’ and what it really means.”

One World Link is very grateful for the support for this event received from Warwick District Council Arts Development Strategic Project funds.

John Myers – 80 at 80

Long-time One World Link supporter John Myers celebrated his 80th birthday with a fund-raising walk of 80 kilometres.
He encourages us all to support his achievement by donating online.

John Myers has been an active member of One World Link for many years. He moved to East Sussex 5 years ago but has stayed on as a long distance supporter making occasional visit to OWL events in Leamington and staying in touch with old friends in Bo.

On achieving his 80th birthday he decided to mark his 80 years with a fund raising 80 kilometres walk across East Sussex from Lewes to Rye over 5 days. He chose to support One World Link so that all the people who know him in that connection would have an opportunity to help him raise funds for OWL. He set out on 30th June and arrived in Rye on 4th July and is very grateful to all those who have already shown their support.

His online donation page is open for further donations until 4th October, so whether you know John or not he would be very grateful for any donation you feel moved to make using MyDonate.

Finally, here is a picture of witnesses to his walk as he passed through the Pevensey Marsh!

Teachers visit Bo 2018

Three teacher visitors had their first time experience of working with their partner schools in Bo. They taught classes of 60 pupils or more and ran workshops for their brother and sister teachers in Bo. As always this was a period of hard work but all agreed that it was very moving and would jump at the opportunity to repeat the experience. They were given a warm welcome and made many friends. You can see their video of the experience.

Three teacher visitors had their first time experience of working

with their partner schools in Bo. Siân Atkins from St. Margaret’s C of E junior twinned with BDSE Messima, Claire Wright from Wellesbourne twinned with RC Model and Tim Bladon from Ferncumbe twinned with UMC Lower In addition Paul Atkins and Tim Hussey visited all the remaining school schools to ascertain how the link was progressing and to highlight any issues. Tim also introduced Bo to the making, eating and racing of pancakes which introduced a hilarious competitive spirit.

Paul also made a visit to the Secondary schools that currently have a connection with One World Link and to see how they felt their relationship was progressing. It appears, at this stage, that there is a more positive response from the Bo end than here in the UK. It is now for discussion how best to develop a programme that is mutually beneficial.

Paul made a visit to Kenema to visit bishop Koroma, as his health has been deteriorating recently, in order to send regards from all who know him in the UK. Whilst there, Paul also visited the missionary hospital in Panguma.

All finished the rewarding visit with a short period of rest and recuperation at Bureh beach before returning, their lives changed for the better, to the UK.

Tim made a video of the experience – see below

AGM for 2017

We have had a busy and productive year with activities ramping up again as Sierra Leone recovered from the Ebola outbreak.
We and our distinguished guests heard about reciprocal visits by teachers, the celebrations for the Day of the African Child, the waste project in Bo, a workshop on planning, our medical link and the refurbishment of the Bo OWL Centre.

On Saturday 13th January 2018 we held our 2016/17 AGM in Pump Room Annex, Leamington Spa. The meeting was attended by 24 members, 6 friends and 4 distinguished guests. The distinguished guests were the Mayor of Leamington Cllr Caroline Evetts and Mr John Evetts and the Chair person of the District Cllr Alan Boad and Cllr Mrs Sarah Boad.

During the short formal part of the meeting Chris King presented the accounts for the year ending March 2017. He explained that during that financial year our bank balance had remained high due to the lag in getting activities restarted after the Ebola outbreak. This year (2017/18) we had already spent some £20,000 on various projects and the bank balance was now £10,000 less.

John Archer, in his Chairman’s review reminded us all of our aims and objectives and briefly outlined all the projects undertaken this year to meet those objectives. He reported that there had been considerable activity both here in the UK and in Bo thanks to the hard work of the main committee and the teachers group. He explained that the details of these activities were to be covered in the presentation that would follow. He thanked both the town council and the district council for their continued support.

Liz Garrett spoke about the schools and teachers links
Liz Garrett spoke about the schools and teachers links

Liz Garrett and Sunita Evans from the schools subcommittee presented photographs and a video as part of their review of the group’s activity over the last 12 months. This included a visit by a group of teachers from Warwick to Bo during which all link schools were visited and training workshops held. In June the group organised the very successful Day of the African Child celebration at Lillington primary school which was attended by 500 children who were representatives of all the schools in Warwick who have a link with a school in Bo. Later in June 4 teachers from Bo visited Warwick for 2 weeks. Recently topic work books have been exchanged by all link schools between Warwick and Bo. The group are now planning their next visit to Bo which will take place in February.

Phil Clarke reported on the visit to Bo
Phil Clarke reported on the visit to Bo

In the second presentation Paul Atkins, Mair Evans, Jane Knight and Phil Clarke reviewed their recent visit to Bo which took place at the end of November. They had a very successful visit which included preparation work for the teachers visit in February, a review of all the upgrade work undertaken at the OWL centre, a review of the ongoing waste project and the support given to the Bo children’s hospital following the District Chair person charity appeal last year. They also managed to meet with the Warwick hospital maternity nurses who were in Bo to help with training and to scope future requirements as part of their charity work. Phil Clarke was in Bo to help with the organising and the running of the Urban City Planning workshop run by the Princes Trust who is developing a tool kit for urban city development.

John closed the meeting by thanking everyone for coming and their ongoing support.

Supporting a growing city: planning the future of Bo

OWL has linked up with Prince Charles’ “Prince’s Foundation for Building Communities” (PFBC) to help develop a toolkit for use by town planners in countries across the developing world in cities, like Bo, facing rapid urban expansion. Bo’s populaton is predicted to grow by 330% in 30 years.

Developing a Toolkit for Planners as Bo continues to expand dramatically.

Bo currently has a population of 175,000 people according to the latest 2015 census, but experts predict that this will grow dramatically over the next few years to as high as 583,000 by 2045.  That’s a growth of over 330% in 30 years!

OWL has linked up with Prince Charles’ “Prince’s Foundation for Building Communities” (PFBC) to help develop a toolkit for use by town planners in countries across the developing world in cities, like Bo, facing rapid urban expansion.  Although this is likely to eventually be an on-line resource, PFBC was keen to trial the toolkit by delivering the programme in person, and OWL suggested Bo as a pilot city.

Developing a planning framework for Bo as we would understand it in the UK is extremely challenging as there is no effective planning law to control land use.  Nonetheless there was real and genuine enthusiasm across both Bo City and Bo District councils to develop a vision for how Bo may grow and think about how this may be achieved.

The workshop took place on 4th and 5th December 2017 and was aimed directly at the two local councils and leading local stakeholders. Three members of UK OWL helped in preparing for the workshop. We were keen to use OWL’s profile in the city as way of encouraging support for the event.  The conference facilities at the recently upgraded OWL Centre provided an ideal venue for the event which was attended by almost 50 people over the two days.

At the workshop itself, we discussed a “vision” for Bo, agreed where major growth should (ideally) be directed and began to consider the practical infrastructure and other implications of this.  A first priority growth area is the land around the airstrip and close to the campus of Njala University to the south-west of the city, and we undertook a site visit to this area.

The morning of the second day included a stakeholder consultation meeting which 30 people attended.  The vision and emerging plans were shared and there was a full and frank exchange of views on how this work could be taken forward.

The workshop was a great success.  There was a genuine understanding of the benefits for everyone of working together to agree where and how grow will occur.

It was also great to see OWL fully involved in hosting the event.  We have committed to continue to do what we can to support this important work moving forward.

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