Hard copy Archive – Detail

Hard Copy Material not specific to One World Link (Detail)

See also this list in a Summary table
See the Timeline of activities and One World Link materials

Title, Author and Date Description
Study of a Farming Community.  Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, 1985-86 An excellent ‘Time capsule’ study of a farming village in 1982-3 at Mosoric-Largo.  Based on 31 slides and 3 related A4 booklets: 1) Describing the slides, 2) Added drawings, 3) For application in Scottish schools
Literacy and Schooling in Sierra Leone – Separate or Integrated Development, Jean Conteh, 1983 Literacy as a modernising agent – Language in schools – Literacy for adults – Indigenous scripts – Conclusions.  (A4 bound – typed.)
Papers on: Craft Co-operatives, Local languages, Literacy, ‘Native and Non-Native’ in Law.  Barbara Harrell-Bond,  American Universities Field Staff Reports 1977-1978, 1981. a) Attempt with USAID to develop Gara cloth goods for export. B) Paper on importance of Arabic and Arabic script for local languages taught in Koranic schools. C) Clash between indigenous and introduced legal systems.
Morality, Class Interests and the Population Dilemma – the Sierra Leone case, Barbara Harrell-Bond, Warwick Law School Papers vol 15 No.1, 1981 Includes case studies of problems of illegitimacy, abortion, mixed marriages, property and inheritance law – both historic and more recent family law.
Sierra Leone Studies Symposium, Fircroft, Birmingham.  Adam Jones and Peter K.Mitchell (Eds), Centre for West African Studies, 1981 and 1985 Short summaries of presentations on Sierra Leone, covering a wide range of topics: historical, cultural, tribal, economic, educational, health.  (A4 stapled sheets.)
Sierra Leone Studies at Birmingham Fircroft, University of Birmingham.   Adam Jones and Peter K.Mitchell 1987.  ISBN 0 7044 0903 8 Full accounts of papers on Sierra Leone with summaries.  Topics include: “The Creole”, Gara designs, bras masks, historic references, tribal rituals, agriculture, politics, aid and debt, education, One World Link.  (A4 bound typed)
Articles on Sierra Leone Pupils’ Appraisals: 1) Primary and 2) Secondary.  Journal of Education, 1967-1968 These articles summarise findings of student teachers on educational conservation from Milton Mangai College, Freetown, in 20 Freetown primary schools and ten secondary schools, including questionnaire.  Moral and social attitudes, interests and pastimes, discipline and word.  (Stapled A5 booklets.)
Serabu Hospital Annual Report. Sr Hilary Lyons et al, 1980 A comprehensive account of all aspects of health care: preventative, community, outpatient, training, inpatient (maternity, medical, pedriatric, surgical) with vivid picture of social, economic and financial problems.
School readers and school magazines in Mende and English, UCC Literature Bureau, Bo: Mende Domesia, b) More stories for you in English, c) Mende word list, d) Puuyia Gaa Bukui Mende-English words and phrases. 1981.  E) The Sower Magazine of Gerihun Agricultural and Vocational Secondary School, 1981.  f) Bo Teachers College Prospectus, 1990/1992 a) Three folk tales (illustrated) in Mende.  B) Three English stories (illustrated) by local writers (A5 booklets).  C) Mende word list with orthography and personal name list with meanings (A4 booklet).  D) Mende-English phrase bool for learners of Mende (A4 booklet).  e) The first magazine of new school in its fourth year – varied interesting contents. f) a basic handbook – rules, curriculum.
Minewatch Information and Action Briefing on the mining industry: a) Introduction to Minewatch and 12 action briefings concerning mining operations worldwide 1990 (No.3 missing)., b) Report to OWL on mining in Sierra Leone using BBC file ‘Trade Slaves’, and materials from Minewatch.  Eric Sharman (OWL member) 1992.  c: Report to OWL Committee from Janet Alty on Minewatch Sierra Leone and possible OWL involvement. 1991 Minewatch is concerned about the impact of mining, especially on environment and indigenous people.  Targets include Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) and its subsidiaries.  (A4 bound papers)
Papers and Articles on the Civil War (magazine articles, academic papers, talks and conferences) Details below
a) Unrest in Sierra Leone: The Facts.  Article in Links Magazine, 1991 Describes incursions by NPFL rebels and Sankoh rebels in March 1991 causing chaos in East and South Provinces. Appeal for UK government support (A4 sheet)
b) Fighting for Diamonds. Sierra Leone.  Article in West Africa Magazine, June 1991 Argues that incursions aim at control of Sierra Leone’s mineral wealth, especially diamonds (A4 sheet)
c) Havoc in Sierra Leone.  Newsletter extract (Christian Aid?) September 1991 Describing plight of Liberian refugees, Sierra Leonean displaced people and fighting and atrocities in South and East war zone (A4 sheet)
d) Interim Government or Cabinet Reshuffle? Article in Links Magazine, November 1991 List of new government members and comments. Also first reactions to BBC TV programme ‘Trade Slaves’ on multinational exploitation and corruption. (A4 sheet)
e) The Invasion of Sierra Leone.  Newssheet and appeal to UK. 1991 Account of atrocities, appeal to UK government in return for Sierra Leone support in the past. (A4 sheet)
f) The Calamity of Sierra Leone as the West plays Ostrich.  London Observer. March 1992 Account of atrocities and lack on UK support in spite of Sierra Leone help in Gulf etc. (A4 sheet)
g) Rebel Incursions into Sierra Leone. Anthony Sheriff et al  December 1991/92 Personal accounts by visitors to Sierra Leone of atrocities in villages and appeal to UK and other West Africa states to block arms transport and giver aid (7 A4 sheets typed)
h) War in Sierra Leone, Nigeria to the Rescue. Newswatch, May 1991 Whole magazine on the incursions.  Interview with President Momoh.  Nigerian troops called in, refugee crisis, economic chaos.  (A4 magazine, copied)
i) Sierra Leone, Momoh’s War, Focus on Africa (BBC) January/March 1992 Description of war zone conditions, army weakness and corruption.  (4 pages – A4 copy)
j) Sierra Leone, A very Costly War.  West Africa Magazine, March 1992 Effects of war on the Sierra Leone economy, chaos of refugees, looting, financial ruin.  Interviews with government ministers. (A4 copy)
k) Sierra Leone in the Throes of Change.  Dr David Moore Siercey, Nairobi, May 1992. Paper by expatriate Sierra Leonean historian supporting Strasser and outlining failure of Momoh and future task. (A4 typed)
l) Is there a Threat of Counter-Revolution in Sierra Leone? Dr David Moore-Sieray, Moi University of Kenya, September 1992 Background to Strasser coup – efforts in reform, opposition, criticism of interference of Amnesty International as biased (A4 typed)
m) The Suffering of War. Richard Stowell, VSO Magazine Orbit, Spring 1992 VSO health workers in Sierra Leone – malnutrition, lack of supplies and staff (A4 copy)
n) Sierra Leone: The Threat from the East.  Africa Confidential Magazine, April 1994 Army deserters Shanoh supporters, APC supporters (former government), potential danger especially as economic and political situation in crisis.  Many rival factions. (A4 copied)
o) Sierra Leone: The Coming Anarchy? Concord Times article, January 1995 Detailed account of political, economic and security situation in Sierra Leone, 1994-5.  Increasing rebel strength from East.  Attacks on Bo (Dec 1994) and Kambia.  Possible aid and mediation. Good Bibliography. (A4 typed)
p) Sierra Leone. Human Rights Abuses in a War against Civilians.  Amnesty International, September 1995 Detailed account of abuses with background since 1991.  Mainly 1994-95, citing specific dates, areas and groups involved.
q) Papers from West Africa at War, Anarchy or Peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone Day Conference at University College London, 21st October 1995:  i) Letter to participants, ii) Understanding Insurgency in Sierra Leone and Liberia, Paul Richards, iii) ‘Sell Game’: the Economics of Conflict in Sierra Leone, David Keen. i) Letter to participants and programme of speakers (A4 notice).  ii) Good on the origins of the war and RUF, iii) significance of economic motives in pursuing rebel activity, also tribal rivalries and personal enmity or envy; personal gain and power motivated most fighters (sale of arms and diamonds). (A4 copy)
r) Report of Day Conference on Causes and Effects of the War in Sierra Leone held on 6 January 1996, Jane Knight, OWL, January 1996 Conference organised by expatriate Sierra Leoneans to raise funds for children. Good historical summary. Speakers: Ambrose Ganda (ed of Focus in Sierra Leone), Derek Partridge (ex-High Commissioner in Sierra Leone, 1986-91), David Keen (Oxford academic).  Very good analysis of the conflict.
s) Sierra Leone – Will Hope Triumph over Experience?. Report of a Presentation to Leamington UNA Meetings by Derek Partridge CMG, a6 May 1996 Good historical summary of Sierra Leone history and lead up to the war and to the 1996 elections under President Kabbah.
Recipes: Savouries, Sweets and Snacks.  Katie Oha Salia, Methodist Church Overseas Division Recipes from Sierra Leone (A5 booklet)
Maps Sierra Leone (Ordnance Survey, 1976 1:500,000).  Freetown East (Ordnance Survey 1970 1:50,000). Bo Town street plan 1970?. Bo District (1:50,000 – 2 maps).  Sierra Leone, showing rebel incursions (no date).  Sierra Leone (layer shaded, no date). Map of Africa showing country outlines (no names – quiz on back)
Sierra Leone Experiment in Democracy.  Gershon Collier, New York University Center for International Studies and University of London Press, 1970 G. Collier is a native Sierra Leonean, lawyer and Ambassador to UK.  Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, resigned 1967.  The book covers the period up to 1968.
The Krio of Sierra Leone, An Interpretive History.  Akintola Wyse, International Library of Sierra Leonean Studies II, C Hurst & Co, London, 1989 A. Wyse was Professor of History at Fourah Bay College, 1985.  ‘The Making of a Society’ – western civilisation, African traditions, the Krio diaspora, political troubles
Background and other material from ODA/DFID and other sources
Overseas Correspondence Links Handbook, P Dean, M Flaws, O Thomas, Oxford E. Unit and Oxford Polytechnic, 1988 Scheme for potential visitors to developing countries to correspond when abroad with a class in a UK school in co-operation with the class teacher on aims, content etc (A4 soft binding)
Global Connections – Review of North-South Secondary School Links, Peter Batty.  BFSS National R E Centre, 1991 1) school linking, status quo. 2) Seven case studies. 3) the potential of linking. 4) Conclusion. Appendices: I) List of links. Ii) Related organisations (A4 glossy cover)
School Partnerships with the South. Handbook, Central Bureau for International Education and Training, 1996 Twelve case studies of school linking, primary and secondary including visits, fundraising, exchange of resources, classwork, letters (A4 glossy cover)
School Linking and the Curriculum, various. UK One World Linking Association, 1993 1) Purpose. 2) Why North-South partnership. 3) Types of linking. 4) Setting up a link. 5) Issues and challenges. 6) Further reading. 7) Directory of agencies. Appendices: I) Five case studies, ii) Southern perspectives (A4 soft binding)
North-South Linking – Who Benefits, Barbara Bond. UK One World Linking Association, 1996 A comprehensive summary of past and current linking situations from North and South perspectives.  Practicalities, age groups – school and adult, people, funding, evaluation (A4 soft binding)
Links Manual, Maia Gedde (ed). Tropical Health and Education Trust, 2005 Laying foundations of Why link and how?  Visits, funding, monitoring, case studies, publicity, logistics, contacts (A5 booklet)
Linking Partnerships, A Southern Perspective – Report of the 2001 conference. UKOWLA, 2001 Complete proceedings including presentations by Dr Daleep Mukarji (Christian Aid), Sithembiso Nyoni (Zimbabwe), Stuart Mole (Royal Commonwealth Society). Case studies, workshop reports (A4 spiral bound)
Linking Partnerships, A Southern Perspective – Report of the 2001 conference. UKOWLA, 2001 Launch of the ‘Toolkit for Linking’ (Margaret Burr), case studies, workshops, presentation by Mark Collins (Commonwealth Foundation) (A4 plastic cover)
Bo Teachers’ College, A Concise Report, 1972-2000, J.A.Ngebeh, 2000 Background, legal status, constitution, administration (Teacher’s’ Colleges Act 1982) staff, problems, transport, shortages (A4 paper cover)
Bo Teachers’ College, A Status Report, 2000-2001, J.A.Ngebeh, 2001 Background, infrastructural and curriculum development, staff and student bodies, difficulties – basic needs. (A4 paper cover)
Food and You, A VSO Guide to Nutrition in Sierra Leone, Gladys Carrol (ed). VSO Field Office Basic food charts, sources of foods and value, cooking tips, local recipes (produced for VSO volunteers, not local people) (A4 paper)
Reaching Out to Young People of Liberia & Sierra Leone, Francis Hall & Sue Kirby. Christian Brothers, 2003 Projects – rehabilitation of child soldiers, unaccompanied children, street children, young women, physically and mentally handicapped children
The Mountain of Lions Sierra Leone, Sue Kirby. Christian Brothers, 2003 Summary of history, culture, religions, agriculture, industry and the Civil Warr and 2002 elections. (A4 plastic cover)
Story Telling from Temneland, told to Francis Hall. Christian Brothers, 2001 Six folk tales and their morals and relevance (A4 paper)
Folk Tales from Freetown, Arthur E.E.Smith.  People’s Educational Association of Sierra Leone, 1987 Twenty-one stories with notes on structures, themes, style, techniques (A5 plastic cover booklet)
BBC Network Africa Myths and Legends, Dorothy Grenfell-Williams (ed). BBC Network Africa, 1979? Twenty-five entries to a BBC Network Africa competition asking for their versions of local myths, legends and fold stories (A4 paper spiral bound)
Report on Consultative Seminars on Patriotism & National Development.  National Commission for Democracy & Human Rights, Sierra Leone, 2001 Seminars to identify causes of lack of patriotism, civic responsibility and cooperation in national development.  To raise awareness for change and recommend strategies for positive change. (A4 plastic spiral binding)
Toolkit for Linking; Opportunities and Challenges, UKOWLA
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
Produced by UKOWLA. A handbook for community groups or institutions of every kind who are interested in setting up a link. It covers everything from the reasons for linking to sustaining a link and solving problems which arise. The pages may be photocopied.
A Long Way gone – memoirs of a boy soldier, Ishmael Beah
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A first-hand account of how, as a boy of 12. he had wandered around the country fleeing from the rebels. A year later he became a soldier in the government army and, despite his gentle nature, learned to commit dreadful acts of violence.
Beasts of No Nation, Uzodinma Iweala
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A novel by a 23 year-old Nigerian born in the United States. The harrowing story of a boy soldier somewhere in Africa.
Cooking the West African Way, Bertha Montgomery
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A colourful collection of recipes and menus from West Africa.
The Orphan Girl and other stories / West African Folk Tales retold, Buchi Offodile,
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
Explores the roots of the storytelling tradition in the history and culture of West Africa and continues with a collection of tales retold by the author.
Geldof in Africa, Bob Geldof
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A big colourful book of photographs taken during Bob Geldof’s travels in Africa.
Old Watering Holes-Mayo to Serabu, Hilary Lyons
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
The fascinating story of an Irish nun who trained as a doctor and spent 40 year in Sierra Leone -mostly in Serabu about 30 miles south of Bo.
Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for Democracy, John Hirsch
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
The relationship between the diamond trade and the civil war.
Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth and Resources in Sierra Leone, Paul Richards
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
The effect of the civil war on the youth of Sierra Leone and the influence of the rain forest in shaping the war and their attitudes.
How’s de Body? Teun Voeten
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A photojournalist’s account of his terrifying journey through Sierra Leone during the civil war.
Moses, Citizen and Me, Jarret-Macauley
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A novel. When Julia flies to Sierra Leone to meet her uncle for the first time in 20 years, she is shocked to find that her 8 year-old cousin has served as a child soldier.
In Sierra Leone, Michael Jackson
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
An ethnologist, poet and novelist writes his analysis of the civil war and its effect on the people of Sierra Leone. Having lived in the country in 1969, he returned in 2002 to view the situation for himself and to renew old acquaintances.
The Devil That Danced on Water, Aminatta Forna
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
An autobiographical account of the author’s childhood in Scotland in the 60’s, where she faced racial intolerance, followed by a description of the political upheavals in Sierra Leone, the country from which her father came.
Fishing in Rivers of Sierra Leone: oral literature. People’s Educational Association of Sierra Leone.
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
 Stories, songs, riddles and proverbs, interviews and photographs representing 13 ethnic groups of Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone at the end of the 20th Century: history, politics and society, Earl-Conteh Morgan and Mac Dixon Fyle
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
This book traces the history of Sierra Leone from pre-colonial times to 1999, concentrating on political, economic and social questions.
Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achibe
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A novel from Nigeria
The No-nonsense Guide to International Development, Maggie Black
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A discussion of international development from initial aid to economic development and sustainability.
World Atlas of Sustainable Development, Anne-Marie Saquet
in the OWL Collection, Leamington Spa Public Library
A concise, accessible and attractive atlas which will be of interest to anyone who is concerned about tomorrow’s world.
Operation Barrass, Will Fowler The story of the capture of 11 British soldiers by a militia gang during the civil war in Sierra Leone.
Operation Certain Death, Damien Lewis An account of the Army, SAS and SBS rescue of 12 Irish Rangers in the jungles of Sierra Leone.
Unscathed, Phil Ashby The true story of Major Phil Ashby’s escape from the rebels.
Rough Crossings, Simon Schama The story of the slaves who joined the British during the American War of Independence., their settlement in Nova Scotia and finally their transfer to Sierra Leone, where they strove to establish a democratically governed colony. Also available in the TALKING BOOKS section (CD and DVD)
Blood Diamond (film) A film with Leonardo Dicaprio, set during the civil war in Sierra Leone and dealing with the diamond trade and the conscription of young boys to fight with the rebel army.
Citizens Participation in Governance.  National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights, Sierra leone Leaflet encouraging cisitzens to participate in democracy and governance
The 6-3-3-4 Education System.  Department of Education, Sierra Leone. Undated Typewritten pages setting out the proposed structure.
“So what is the Special Court and what does it intend to achieve in the end?”. Report from the Special Court Training Seminars, Freetown, March 2001. No Peace Without Justice Outline  of the seminar with notes on the topics covered
Special Court for Sierra Leone; The Prosecutor against Foday Saybana Sankoh Charges: crimes against humanity, violations of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of additional protocol II and other serious violations of international humanitarian law in violation of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Statute
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain, Emily Joy The author’s account of her two years in Sierra Leone with Voluntary Service Overseas. She had only the skills of a GP when she arrived, but was forced to perform surgical operations almost from the start. When rebel attacks in the area forced many members of staff to leave, “Dr. Em” found herself Medical Superintendant of the Serabu
The History of Sierra Leone, C.Magbaily Fyle A concise and readable introduction which starts with the earliest societies and ends with the political and economic situation in the late 1970’s.
Over a century in the lives of a liberated
African family, 1816 – 1930, Victor S. Weeks Okrafo-Smart
A detailed and well-documented account of the very sucessful descendants of a liberated slave. The book would be of interest to anyone wanting to know more about Sierra Leone during the period.