One World Link AGM
2016 was a busy and very satisfactory year. At the AGM we heard how activities bloomed at both the Bo and UK ends of the link as Sierra Leone emerged from the Ebola crisis. We welcomed teachers, committee members and the Chair of the district council from Bo and a return visit by teachers to Bo will take place in February.

Margaret Lemoh introduced us to Bo Children’s Hospital. This opened in 2012, having been initiated by her husband, paediatrician Dr Lemoh who came from Bo originally. The staff and management are all Sierra Leonian and it is now constantly busy. The small inpatients ward is full and they have a new isolation unit. Most of the conditions they treat are preventable (burns, malaria, measles and malnutrition for example) so they have longer-term plans for an outreach programme. One World Link assisted in the highly successful fund-raising at the Leamington pantomime. The hospital was chosen by Jane Knight as the beneficiary, in her capacity as Chair of Warwick District Council, and more than £6,000 was raised.