Day of the African Child celebrations in Bo
In Bo the Day of the African Child, 16th June 2022, took place at the OWL center on the Theme: “Eliminating harmful practices affecting children’s progress on policy and practice since 2013”.

Many dignitaries and stakeholders were invited to make statements on the theme and the tree planting project we have this year 2022 with our UK partners. we had representatives from the ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Environmental Protection Agency, Education, and Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission. Our Guest speaker was Haja Alamatu Lukay, Development Planning Official, Bo City Council. They all made impressive statements. The pupils from our linked schools had skits, songs, poems and Art work in the form of poems and Drama.

At 1:00pm we joined our UK partners in Zoom. We started with a song: Telam tenky. This was followed by poems on both sides, skits talk, statements, and refreshment. We saw a film show on the history of DAC and Sarafina. It was very fantastic and colourful we all enjoyed the talents of the pupils and everyone who took part in the celebration.