One World Link Social Evening
The evening was held in order to share news on progress with OWL members and friends. It was hoped that our teacher visitors from Bo would also be able to be in attendance, but, unfortunately, delays in their travel arrangements meant that they did not arrive until the day afterwards! Nevertheless , a good evening was held at the Pump Rooms in Leamington.
We were treated to a presentation by Liz and Sunita on the teacher visit to Bo earlier in the year, including a very impressive video montage that captured the essence of Bo life. We also had a charming demonstration of Sierra Leone children’s playground tricks from some All Saints pupils.
Helena White gave a very interesting illustrated talk on health and maternity issues in Freetown and Bo and updated us on her visit to the Children’s hospital in Bo which we are working with to help improve its facilities.
After a break for refreshments, John Archer set out the current position on working with the Prince’s trust on planning for growth in rapidly urbanising cities, using Bo as a test case for developing systems.
John also explained that Glenn Fleet and Derek Greedy had also recently visited Bo and Makeni to assist with the national roll out of the waste project, following its successful development in Bo.