About us

What is One World Link?

One World Link logo

One World Link (OWL) promotes friendships between two communities across the world: those of Bo District in Sierra Leone and Warwick District in the UK. The link that has been running between these two communities since 1981 is inspired by a desire for justice, equality, human understanding and mutual support. Over the years it has helped to strengthen both communities and their awareness of global and development issues.

The link has been maintained over more than forty years through a number of activities including exchange visits, cultural events, links made between schools and other organisations in the two communities, parties and social gatherings, pen friendships and regular shipments of school supplies and other goods to Bo. A regular newsletter which reports on upcoming events and development progress has helped to keep a wider network of members and the public informed about life in Bo over the years. Alongside the above activities which form the bedrock of OWL relationships, a jointly agreed project to construct a multi-purpose community centre in Bo is a major practical undertaking which has brought the communities even closer together.

We work in partnership with other organisations in several fields including education, health, waste management and planning.



How to join in and help

Our members are involved in many lively and enjoyable activities.

The benefits of membership include:

  • Parties and social gatherings, sometimes meeting visitors from the other side of the link.
  • Talks and cultural and social events.
  • Links between schools.
  • Newsletters – see our News page
  • Fundraising.
  • Penfriendships.

To join One World Link, please use our Membership Form.

For more information, please email Alan Moss.


Mission Statement

To encourage and sustain friendship between the communities in Bo, Sierra Leone and Warwick District, U.K. so contributing to worldwide understanding and peace.

We will do this according to the following principles: Mutuality, Equity, Sustainability, Human Rights, Serendipity, The valuing of Diversity.

We will do this according to the following aims:

  • To raise awareness of issues of global relationships (adult education, public meetings, presentations to groups etc)
  • To develop interaction between community groups in each community
  • To support and encourage person to person interaction
  • To encourage a relationship between local authorities and other public bodies in each community
  • To address the socio-economic imbalance between the 2 communities, and support Bo OWL to play a part in the recovery of its community from war and poverty
  • To continue to support exchange visits
  • To monitor our achievement of these aims for effectiveness and compliance with our overall purpose and principles.

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